Zelda: Breath of the Wild Images Show Incredible Water Effect

Fans of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild discover a little-known water effect relating to certain bodies of water found in the game.

While it might be hard for some to believe, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is almost 5 years old now. Over the years, the game has managed to sell millions of copies worldwide and become a massive success for Nintendo. Despite so many people playing the game since its launch, little-known details about the open-world game continue to be uncovered. Recently, a unique feature about the Breath of the Wild was shared on social media.

In a tweet via the Twitter account Days Without Zelda BotW 2 News, fans received a chance to see one of the less obvious details that helped make Breath of the Wild so incredible. In the post, a collection of screenshots were shared from the game. These images revealed a lesser-known but nevertheless stunning detail: some regions have bodies of water that slowly dry out over time.


Each of the images shared by Days Without Zelda BotW 2 News showed an expansive meadow filled with several ruined Guardians in the middle. However, these pictures were distinguishable by the amount of water present. According to the screenshots, whenever it rained in-game, the area flooded. However, after a certain amount of time, the pools of water would begin to dry out. The process would repeat once another downpour came around.

This stunning water effect found in Breath of the Wild piqued the interest of numerous fans on Twitter. Since being tweeted several days ago, the post has received over 15.1K likes. In addition, many gamers commented on the intriguing water effect. Despite being in the game since launch, many fans admitted that they had never noticed it until now. “195+ hours into the game and I’ve never noticed this, wow!” EmeraldLegend53 said on Twitter. Several other gamers were equally shocked. “2000 hours and I never noticed,” remarked Mirria1.

In addition to many gamers commenting that they finally realized that the water effect existed, others offered ideas for how the feature functioned in-game. According to Twitter user Kleric, they believed that the game included a water layer below the ground. When the developers wanted small lakes to form from rain, they would raise the level of the water layer above that specific spot.

It is incredible that even after years since releasing on the Nintendo Switch and Wii U, people continue to notice previously overlooked details in the game. Besides this amazing water effect, there are numerous other areas in Breath of the Wild that many players have never realized existed. As fans continue to wait for more news regarding the sequel, Breath of the Wild 2, it seems likely that even more secrets about the original game will be uncovered.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now on Nintendo Switch and Wii U.

Source: Gamerant

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