Halo Infinite’s Armor Core System Is Being Changed Next Season

Halo Infinite players can expect a significant boost to their customization freedom with an upcoming rework of the armor core system.

Fans of Halo Infinite will soon have a lot more freedom to customize their armor thanks to upcoming changes to the controversial armor core system. In the official Halo Infinite Season 2 preview live stream, it was confirmed that developers are seeking to remove the restrictions caused by the armor core system.

When Halo Infinite‘s multiplayer mode launched in November 2021, it initially saw huge numbers thanks to its free-to-play model. However, Halo Infinite‘s armor core system has been a point of contention among longtime Halo fans due to its restricting nature compared to the customization systems of previous Halo titles. Armor cores function as a base preset for customization, with players forced to choose armor pieces specific to their chosen armor core. This system has been criticized for significantly hampering customization options and needlessly limiting the ability to mix and match.


In the live stream showcasing Season 2 of Halo Infinite, Jerry Hook, 343 Industries’ Head of Design, confirmed that his team was looking to remove the current armor core system. Understanding that the armor core system has been a step backward for customization, Jerry Hook said, “We really lost the strength that Halo: Reach and Halo 3 brought to the franchise of allowing players to mix and match everything.” In games like Halo: Reach and Halo 3, players had free rein to equip helmets, armor pieces, and armor color coatings, making personalization of one’s armor an important aspect of multiplayer progression as players sought to unlock more pieces.

Enabling a full array of customization options will take some work from 343 Industries. Initially, it will only be helmets, vizors, and color coatings that will be unrestricted by armor cores, as those are more easily implemented. Eventually, this will extend to the rest of the armor pieces, such as shoulders and chest plates. This will likely not include armors such as the samurai-themed Yoroi armor from the Fracture: Tenrai event due to its unique shape being incompatible with most Spartan armor pieces. Doing away with the armor core system could also mean that future event armors may be designed to be more accommodating to customization.

It’s always a good sign when developers listen to player feedback and follow through with the appropriate changes. The Halo franchise has a long history of customization freedom, and although the armor core system was intended to be a unique and interesting twist on the formula, it ultimately led to a more shallow experience for players attempting to express themselves through their unique suits of armor. This change, along with Halo Infinite Season 2’s other new content, such as new maps and modes, could help revitalize Halo Infinite‘s declining multiplayer community.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: YouTube

Source: Gamerant

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