Genshin Impact Player Proves Why The Popular 1:2 Crit Ratio Is Not That Important

A Genshin Impact fan shows why a famous rule that includes two character stats, Crit Rate and Crit Damage, should not be as strict as it is.

Genshin Impact characters can be built in various ways, depending on a role within a team composition. Each character has numerous offensive and defensive stats that have a significant impact on their performance on the battlefield.

Out of those stats, two certainly stand out, at least when building DPS characters in Genshin Impact. Crit Damage and Crit Rate are the two stats most players look forward to when farming for artifact pieces.


Since the game was introduced back in 2020, the character meta has shifted numerous times, however, most of the unwritten rules when it comes to building characters have remained the same. One of the popular rules is that the ratio between Crit Rate and Crit Damage should always be 1:2. Crit Rate represents the chance players have of dealing increased damage with an attack, while Crit Damage is the amount of extra damage that will be dealt by landing a critical hit. Reddit user newplayer135 has shared an impressive chart showing that the 1:2 rule should not be as strict as it is in the community at the moment.

The Redditor reveals that the ideal character build in Genshin Impact should have a 75 Crit Rate and 150 Crit Damage. However, if a character reaches a 1:3 ratio, his damage potential will be decreased by only 2%, which is insignificant compared to the grind that goes into farming to reach these stats. The chart proves that even if players go for 35 Crit Rate and 230 Crit Damage, a character will deal only 15% less damage compared to the perfect ratio. A big mistake players often do is sacrificing other stats like Attack in order to achieve the perfect ratio, which can actually result in lower damage output.

Other stats like Elemental Mastery or Energy Recharge are heavily neglected at the moment, probably due to the fact that players focus on getting big damage numbers on their screen, rather than performing better in the long run. However, things might change in the foreseeable future as recent Genshin Impact leaks revealed that some upcoming Dendro elemental reactions scale with Elemental Mastery.

Another reason why players should not focus on this rule is the fact that getting the perfect artifact is almost impossible due to the multiple RNG layers in Genshin Impact. The addition of the upcoming Dendro element will make it even harder to get the perfect type of elemental damage on the Goblet pieces.

Genshin Impact is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is currently in development with no confirmed release date.

Source: Gamerant

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