The Last of Us Part 2 Player Shares Gory Clip of an Ambush Gone Wrong

The Last of Us Part 2 is filled with jump-scares, and a player shared a video of them tackling an iconic ambush in a rather gory way.

While one of the greatest aspects of The Last of Us Part 2 is its incredibly compelling narrative, alongside a credible cast of characters that are very human in their flaws and unique perks. This is what makes the events told in the game stick so much, especially because the world of The Last of Us is rather grim and scary, with all sorts of threats crawling out of every corner – be it the Infected or other humans. At its core, The Last of Us games are still survival horror titles, and Part 2 encapsulates that feeling very well with its raw violence and perpetual conflict.


The gameplay is affected by this too, and it’s not uncommon for players to witness the characters perform gory actions against their enemies, which can be even more grotesque with the enhanced graphics of the PS5. That’s why a video shared by a Redditor called wolf_of_thorns is all the more impactful, showing what happens when players come prepared for the ambush in Seattle, Day 2 while playing The Last of Us 2 as Ellie.

During the third chapter, which is called “The Seraphites,” Ellie is alone and can visit a building for supplies, where she will a small apartment with living plants and a workbench. After exploring the apartment, which appears to be a dead-end, it seems appropriate to go and use the workbench found there in order to upgrade Ellie’s weapons, but that’s when the locked door in the corridor opens and WLF enemies jump at Ellie from behind. This is one of the most successful jump-scares in The Last of Us Part 2, and it leaves players feeling uneasy when approaching other workbenches in the future.

The video shared by wolf_of_thorns shows Ellie setting up plenty of trap mines in the apartment so that when the player gets to the workbench, the door opens and the NPCs run out, immediately dying on the exploding bombs. This way, the ambushers become the ambushed, and the scene gets quite gory with all the body parts and blood from the dead WLF soldiers.

The Last of Us Part 2 is known for its accurate depiction of Seattle, and while this specific apartment is not necessarily a real one, there are many other places that are. For example, the real-world arcade seen in The Last of Us 2 shut down just recently, and it’s a bit sad for those who are big fans of the game to see it go. Still, it’s wholesome that Naughty Dog’s series has been able to immortalize it as an iconic location – albeit with no ambush to dread.

The Last of Us 2 is available on PS4.

Source: Gamerant

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