As a franchise, Halo has managed to persist for over two decades. With numerous mainline installments and spin-off games under its belt, Halo is considered by many in the gaming community to be one of the most influential and popular series to ever exist. To the point where Halo’s main theme was recently used in a New Year’s Eve event.
One of the most memorable aspects of Halo that spans across each entry in the series is the music. Composers like Marty O’Donnell have created a multitude of music tracks for the Halo franchise and a significant number of them have become deeply synonomous with the Halo series as a whole. Although, many Halo fans likely weren’t expecting the main theme to be used during a New Year’s Eve countdown event.
A Reddit user named aura_dl0923 noticed that during King 5 news’ coverage of the New Year’s event in Seattle, Washington, the main Halo theme played during the final minute of 2021. Some fans might find it odd that a local news station would choose to play the Halo theme during such a momentous occasion, but there’s actually a fairly good reason for it.
Not only are both Xbox and 343 Industries based out of Washington state, but the headquarters of Halo’s original development studio, Bungie, are also located in Washington. Therefore, the Halo series has deep ties with that area of the United States. The news station likely thought that, given the recent release of Halo Infinite, and given how orchestral and triumphant the Halo theme is, it would make for a good background track to round out the end of 2021.
In any case, it’s amazing to see just how much Halo has had on the world at large. Back when Halo: Combat Evolved first launched, plenty of fans probably wouldn’t expect to see Halo circulated outside of the gaming community in any capacity. Nowadays, it’s almost commonplace to see video games being used in various other circumstances.
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Halo going forward. It was announced recently that the classic Halo game servers on Xbox 360 will soon be shutting down. While this truly marks the end of an era, it does make sense for the servers to shut down, given how accessible all of the classic Halo games are now via Halo: The Master Chief Collection.