Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were announced over two months ago, and fans have been eagerly waiting for more information to appear online since. An example of this hype comes from the various theories surrounding Pokemon Scarlet and Violet‘s starters and what the little monsters could evolve into at later stages. Many players have been speculating about the ties that the starters might have with Spanish culture and folklore, as Gen 9’s region is based on the Iberian Peninsula.
A new trailer is unlikely to hit the web for another month or two, and the period of time that goes between April and June is often referred to as the “leak season,” where many alleged leaks for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet start appearing online. One of the most popular and credible of these leaks is about Fuecoco’s evolution, a picture that appeared on 2chan a few days ago and has since seen a lot of copycats in terms of style. That leak had a complete 2d view of Fuecoco’s alleged evolution, along with some possible animations and notes jotted down in Japanese, which made it believable to an extent.
In the past couple of days, more presumed leaks came about online, and two of the most plausibly real ones share some of the same characteristics of the Fuecoco leak, but this time they are for regional forms of both Diglett and Spritzee. There is no confirmation that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will have regional forms, but it’s very likely considering the success of this feature since Gen 7. The new possible leak for Diglett came first, and it depicts the Pokemon with incredible height and blue hues, making it a Water/Ground-type. This information was shared on Reddit, and a link can be seen below.
Spritzee’s alleged regional form for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is not too dissimilar from the original, but the Pokemon gets a more fiery appearance, and possibly a more menacing look than the original Fairy-type critter. Many fans think that, if this proves to be a real addition to Gen 9, it could very well evolve into a flamingo Pokemon that’s also a Fire-type, possibly even the first Fire/Fairy critter ever. This design, too, was shared with a Reddit post just a day ago.
Another supposed leak for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet claimed to reveal Legendaries and starter evolutions just a few weeks ago, and thus many of these posts are very likely to be fake, so the information they provide to be taken with a pinch of salt. Still, even if these critters may not turn out to be real, they are interesting designs that future installments might want to take a closer look at.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will launch for Nintendo Switch in late 2022.
Source: Reddit (1, 2)