New World Fishing Bot is Close to Hitting Max Level

Fishing bots have been a problem in New World basically from day one, and now one of them has been at it so long it’s almost a master.

New World is the MMORPG put forth by Amazon Games, and its life has been rocky so far, to say the least. For all the promise the game holds and all the players just trying to make the best Paladin build they can, other players are exploiting the game and many, many bugs.

There are all sorts of troubles with New World right now, from its economic problems through duplication and exploitation to players taking advantage of its guild system to rob other players. Almost from the outset, though, there has been a noticeable bot problem, and it’s gotten pretty extreme.


Bots are all over the place in New World, hogging resources players could be getting. To get specific, bots are accounts created with one purpose and run by a script that makes them do one thing repeatedly. Mining bots and crafting bots are examples, but fishing bots are very prominent. These bots hog a lot of great fishing spots and can get rare fish more easily than players can. It got so bad New World players used wildlife to fight the bots. But at least one bot persevered enough to, as of this article, almost hit level 60.

Said bot is fishing in Olympus, at one specific spot, every hour of every day that it can get away with. Because of how XP is doled out in New World, this bot must have been fishing for a very long time to become level 55. Players commented on how they knew the bot in question, with one comment saying it seemed to have vanished, hopefully, banned. Other comments talk about how it’s difficult to get the bots banned, since New World still has a mass-report problem, and bans against bots are hard to enforce at the best of times.

Other players shared similar stories, including one of a woodcutter bot that reached level 40, receiving a birthday party from the server it was on. Until the report system becomes better, New World players are finding creative ways to deal with bots.

Of course, even if these bots are dealt with, they comprise one of many problems plaguing New World. Bugs are still prominent and have led to troubles on both a minor and major scale. Hopefully, from here on out, they are as benign as finding fish in a patch of grass, but only time will tell for sure.

New World is available for PC.

Source: Gamerant

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