Game Rant Arcade EP. 54: Looking Back at 2021

Cameron and Anthony look back at their favorite games, movies, and more of 2021 through a series of interesting questions.

It’s dawn of the final day (of 2021), and both Cameron and Anthony are ready to sit back and talk about some of the best games they played this year. While there would normally be a discussion about news, the games the duo have been playing for the week, and just about anything else that comes to mind, the final episode for 2021 is more focused on the games they played during the year and the new ones they’re looking forward to.

However, listeners will find no Game of the Year discussion in Episode 54 of Game Rant Arcade. Rather, Cameron and Anthony are asking each other unconventional questions to uncover just what they thought of 2021. While they’ll still talk about the best games of 2021, there’s also some other interesting information scattered in the episode.


So, how did Cameron and Anthony feel about 2021 when it comes down to brass tacks? Overall, it was a pretty solid year for video games. There was a mix of high-profile and small games that lept the year compelling, despite some slower periods with few big new releases. The highlights were new games like Deathloop, Returnal, and It Takes Two, but there was a little something for everyone this time around.

Be sure to listen to the full episode to get a better idea of what Cameron and Anthony thought were the best indie games of 2021, the best movies of 2021, and just about the best of everything else that made its way online and in their orbit this year. Here’s to all the great experiences of 2021, and an even brighter day year in 2022. With any luck, the 2022 video game release calendar will steadily get more impressive, rather than be whittled down due to delays as it did in 2021.

Game Rant Arcade is available now on various podcast services. Listen to the episode directly below or through one of the listed links.

Game Rant Arcade records each week, bringing the latest for video game news, impressions on the latest games, and responses to gamers’ burning questions. To have a question read on Game Rant Arcade, send an email to or follow and tweet at us on Twitter @RantArcade.

Source: Gamerant

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