Destiny 2 Warlock Armor Makes Guardian Look Like Yoda

An online fan posts a picture of a fellow player’s Warlock armor from Destiny 2 that makes them look very similar to Yoda from Star Wars.

Destiny 2 provides many options for players to customize their Guardians’ armor and come up with different designs. Sometimes players will make their own custom armor to look like characters from other fictional franchises.

Earlier today, Reddit user milez_davis posted an image of one of their Crucible teammates wearing Warlock armor in Destiny 2 that made them look like Yoda from Star Wars. The Guardian has a green helmet that is shaped like Yoda’s head. The rest of the armor set makes the Guardian look like they’re wearing the iconic Jedi robes that Yoda and the Jedi Order typically wear in Star Wars.


The general reaction to the post was positive, with some mentioning that they’ve seen the player before. There were also commenters wondering what the specific armor and ornaments the player was wearing were called, with some identifying it as armor from the Season of the Splicer. However, several others stated that the armor set the player has is currently unobtainable.

However, one commenter said there’s a way that the armor could still be obtained. They said that if players maxed out their season pass for Season of the Splicer, or were close to the rank of 100, then they might be able to claim the armor and ornaments through the Destiny app, stating that they need to go to the director and from there select Season of the Splicer unclaimed rewards. According to the user, this should allow players to claim the armor if they didn’t do so in the game. Other than that, there are no guarantees that the armor will show up again anytime soon.

Of course, Destiny 2 still offers all kinds of different armor sets that players can use to customize their Guardians. One of the more recent additions to the game is Destiny 2’s Thorn Armor Sets, which are directly inspired by the game’s infamous legendary weapon called Thorn. Players could unlock the Thorn Armor Set if they purchased the 30th-anniversary pack, which allows them to get the Warlock, Hunter, or Titan versions of the armor.

To obtain the Thorn Armor set, players had to beat The Grasp of Avarice dungeon in Destiny 2, which featured new enemies and bosses. Players would have to play through the dungeon to get the chance at gathering the different pieces of the Thorn Armor set. When they have all of the pieces, players would need to use transmog currency from Ada-1, which would unlock the ornament companions of the Thorn armor set and allow players to wear their new armor in the game.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: Gamerant

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