Crusader Kings 3 is a popular, quasi-historical grand strategy and RPG hybrid where players lead their lineage of rulers through the ages. Naturally, Crusader Kings 3‘s marriages and familial relations have always been a crucial pillar of its gameplay. When patch 1.5 releases, this library of features will be officially expanded even further, allowing players to enable same-sex marriage without irreversibly breaking their progression in the process.
The availability of same-sex relationships had previously been limited in Crusader Kings 3 due to it breaking game logic in unexpected ways, claimed the developers. It was first enabled by accident as “same-sex concubinage”, only for the feature to get reeled in once its potential to break the game made itself apparent.
However, according to a recent developer diary posted by the makers of Crusader Kings 3, the game’s next major content update is going to launch with official support for same-sex marriage. Featured as part of patch 1.5, the feature should now be fully compatible with other game rules, which means that interested players won’t need to be modding it into the game any longer.
Developers have said that the implementation of same-sex marriage led to updates to a number of AI logic routines and relevant interaction trees, so as not to lead into a closed feedback loop for a player’s lineage of rulers. These tweaks and fixes should also come in handy once Crusader Kings 3‘s first major expansion pack, Royal Court, comes out, as it is bound to introduce even more complexity to this already intricate system.
As with most other features in Crusader Kings 3, same-sex marriage will be a very customizable and scalable option. Better yet, players that wish to customize same-sex marriages even further than before will have the choice to do so, as the feature’s full implementation should prove to be more reliable and easy to work with than ever before. Adding it to existing community content, such as the Elder Scrolls conversion mod for Crusader Kings 3, should be easy enough according to the developer diary.
Same-sex marriage has been a long-awaited feature for much of the game’s community, and now that it’s here, players should have an even more substantial array of options to choose from when building their lord or lady. Better yet, Crusader Kings 3 same-sex relationship mods are now unnecessary, as the feature will be fully supported by the base game as of patch 1.5. This should allow players to incorporate elements of even more historical cultures than ever before, which is always a good thing.
Crusader Kings 3 is now available on PC, with the PS5 and Xbox Series versions coming out on March 29th.
Source: Paradox Plaza